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Everything You Need to Know About Low-Flow Showerheads

  • By Admin
  • 20 Aug, 2020
Shower Faucet — San Luis Obispo, CA — Power Plumbing Inc

Should you get a low-flow showerhead? Before you finalize the plans for a bathroom remodel, take a look at what you need to know about the showerhead, water use, and a green home.

What Is a Low-Flow Showerhead?

Like the name implies, a low-flow showerhead limits the water flow to a low or lower pressure. This reduces the amount of water you use when showering. The gallons per minute (or gpm) is the flow, which is affected by the water pressure, or pounds per square inch (psi). Reduced psi leads to lower pressure and gpm. A low-flow showerhead restricts the gpm coming through the nozzle.

How Much Water Do Showerheads Really Use?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 17 percent of U.S. indoor home water use comes from showering. This equals almost 40 gallons daily for most households.

A standard showerhead can use up to 2.5 gpm. In comparison, low-flow showerheads with the WaterSense label designation use at most two gpm. While this may not seem like a major difference, the half-gallon per minute can add up to significant water use during a long shower session.

Why Should You Choose a Low-Flow Showerhead?

The primary benefit of a low-flow showerhead is water use reduction. If you want to green your home and do your part to help the planet, this plumbing option can save you a serious amount of water annually.

Not only will a low-flow showerhead reduce the gpm of water used daily, weekly, and annually, but it can also save you money in utility bills. A low-flow head can help you save between 25 and 60 percent on your water bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

If you regularly take hot showers, a lower-flow option can also help you save money on water heating costs. The U.S. Department of Energy notes that water heating makes up nearly 18 percent of most home energy costs (after heating and cooling the indoor air). The lower flow reduces the amount of hot water you need, reducing your natural gas or electric bills.

How Will a Low-Flow Head Impact Your Shower?

Will a low-flow leave you covered in soap and shampoo? Even though the gpm and psi are lower for this plumbing option, you can still have a powerful shower. While low-flow models will have reduced power, new showerheads are made to function at top performance.

Some offer regulator devices that sense the water pressure in your home and adjust the flow accordingly. If the head doesn't automatically sense the pressure, you can choose a model with a reversible or removable flow restrictor. These alternatives allow you to adjust the flow to fit your needs - and save water at the same time.

What Type of Low-Flow Head Should You Choose?

Like standard showerheads, low-flow models come in a variety of sizes, shapes, types, and styles. You can choose a model that matches the rest of your bathroom's plumbing fixtures. This adds aesthetic value to the room. From brushed nickel to plastic styles, you'll find a showerhead for every type of bathroom décor.

Along with the look of the head, you can also select from fixed or handheld devices. Both options are available with different types of spray options. These may include a rain-like mist, thin stream, or full flow. Most low-flow heads have multiple settings, allowing you to change the type of shower.

Does your home need a plumbing upgrade? Contact Power Plumbing Inc. for more information. We have the experience and skill to advise you on the best ways to save water, and we can keep your plumbing is good condition.

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